Social and Psychological Aspects of Physical Activity

This is the last post for questions about the Kelvin Grove Urban Village and the amount of physical activity you do. Please write as much as you can...
1. Would you say that, in a general sense, you are aware of how much physical activity or exercise you achieve during the day, and do you worry about it, or try to increase the amount? Do you ever consider taking more exercise, or are you content with how active you are?
2. If you see an ad on the TV telling people to do more physical activity, or hear a health promotion message about it on the radio does this make you want to become fitter? Do you ever act on these messages, or do you forget about them soon after hearing them?
3. What types of thoughts do you have that would make you want to increase your physical activity levels? What kinds of things play on your mind or which life events might suddenly make you motivated to exercise?
4. If you see people out and about exercising, does this inspire you to become more active? Do you compare yourself to others' bodyweights in and around the area that you live? How does this make you feel?
5. How interested would you be in being part of a social group that organised group walks, or bicycle rides, or games in the local park? Why/why not? And would you like to hear about such events online, by mobile/home phone, texting, or pamphlet in the mailbox?
this is a test
1. Constantly trying to do more activity. I know that more walking will be good for me.
2. I take it on onboard but I am generally aware of my own health needs from use more reliable sources.
3. When I worry about my weight or other risks to my health, such as the risk of diabetes.
4. Don't worry about others too much.
5. Yes I would be interested in organised walks including, for example, birdwatching. Pamphlets in the post are best.
1.i don't worry about how much exercise I do but try to be as active as possible with a social tennis game weekly and linedancing twice weekly and now the summer is here I intend to do more swimming .
2.No. T.V
does not sell me on anything .I think there is too much said about diets and exercise and I think it is only up to one,s own self to participate in looking after your own body .
3.My thoughts on physical exercise is in a group session maybe aqua aerobics or a walking club in the village .Weight is always a problem especially after winter when one tends to hibernate for the winter months
4.I do get motivated by older people exercising and try and do as much as possible .I have arthritis in both knees and find movement is restricted at times but feel better after exercise.
5.Very interested in a social group with walks etc. E-mail is fine for more information or pamplets in the mail.
Yes I am aware that I do little physical exercise other than around the home or wheeling Ted when going around shops etc., as I am unable to leave Ted unattended even to take a quick walk around our pathways. We go when I wheel him to QUT!s coffee shop, and it is a slightly uphill pathway therefore I am exercising muscles, though not as good as straight walking. With community centre offering e.g Tai Chi or gym with light exercises, we could be together there. I am unable to leave Ted unattended at home, nor am I able to leave anyone other than a nurse should I have to leave Ted.Yes we would definitely love to have more regular exercise which we really believe we all need for healthier living.
I am not usually prone to just accept because TV or papers tell me this or that will benefit my health wise or physically, e.g. I would not go ahead and purchase equipment that TV has told me is !for me!. I would take in an exercise that I could readily do at home if I could see it would benefit. Overall I know myself that I do need physical exercise and mental stimulation if I wish to live a healthy life and I would do all I could to achieve this should facilites be close to home that would enable to enhance my life and again this refers to diet.
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I don!t really as I am a good weight I do the exercises I am able at home, being that I would love to be able to get out, to do more. I am sensible in not letting myself become overweight, am aware of what consequences could develop. So no I am aware I must always try to keep as fit as possible for me.
Whilst I would love to do my share to help in these activities, with my Ted totally wheelchair bound I would not be able to share in the organising of these unless the folk participating would be happy to be led by myself and my darling precious wheelchair bound husband who is my priority. Perhaps on reflection this could be one fun activity in itself!
1. Yes, and recently yes, I have been taking steps to excercise more.
2. Sometimes, if I feel like I haven't done much during the day.
3. Feeling weak or easily exhausted is my major kick start.
4. Yes, and no.
5. Not sure, I feel I best excercise by myself and am not much of a socializer, yes I would be interested in a pamphlet.
1. I have some heart problems, but most days I do exercises because I want to stay healhty. I walk around the place with my neighbours or myself.
3. If you do things that make you feel good your life improves and if you interact with people and get going in activities you start to feel better. So I know to do this.
4. When I was younger I did compare myself to others, but I dont think that matters to me anymore. When you are young you worry about how you look, but when you get older you dont worry.
5. I would be keen to do something like that but I worry about the effects about my accident... would you I be able to do it? I would need to tell people about my accident. But it would be a great idea to do. By phone or pamphlet would be the best way to tell me about it.
5. I would be keen to do something like that but I worry about the effects about my accident... would you I be able to do it? I would need to tell people about my accident. But it would be a great idea to do. By phone or pamphlet would be the best way to tell me about it.
1. I am quite aware of the exercise I do and do not worry about the extent because it varies according to how much time I have. I definitely would increase my physical activity if I had the time to do so.
2. I never act on advertising and am not influenced by other people's comments regarding becoming "fitter". I feel quite confident regarding my own judgement of how fit I am and will only increase my activity if I wish to.
3. As I said previously, I chose when to exercise according to the availability of time. Most exercise consists of getting from A to B. No particular thoughts influence me to increase my activity expect if I'm running late for an appointment or something similar.
4. I never compare myself to others as everyone has different body shapes and each can decide for themselves whether they need to increase their fitness levels. I chose not to be influenced by others.
5. I generally prefer to exercise alone except for Thai Chi which is pleasant to do as a group. I generally find out about any available exercise groups myself. I do not like having what I can consider junk mail.
1. I think so. I always time myself doing physical activity, I want to put more exercise into my day. I would exercise at night, but at night time I am too scared of what will happen to me out walking by myself. So I walk to work and to the shops, but the fear hinders me at night to put more exercise into my day. Walking from the city is OK because of all the lights, but I feel brave if I do it. But exercise by myself is just too scary in the night - the news always says that old ladies are being attacked, so I don't go out.
2. If you hear anything to promote your health then you can know more about what to do. You need to become fitter if health promotion says to become fitter. I don't forget the messages, I listen to them and acquire the knowledge about what to do. I never ignore that I need to become healthier.
4. You have to organise people around your area to do some more activity that makes you feel happy among the group and this will be a good increase in your personality and of your health. If there are ads inviting you to attend some kind of activity then it is nice for you to join, because it involves your physical body. Encouragement from other people who are doing exercise inspires me so much to become more active. I always think why they can do it and why can I not do it? So if I see people I think that is lovely and it is inspiration for others.
5. I am very much interested to join if there are people who can organise this kind of activity. Games in the park would be great. But I wonder if they will invite me, but I am always available. You go with the flow with what the groups are doing otherwise you isolate yourself. A phone call would be the best way to get me. If you don't come and talk face to face or verbally with us then we won't go, but a home visit is much more important - person to person to talk about these things and organise activities is better.
1. i am not really aware of how much physical activity i do, except that it is not enough and i should be doing alot more! i only walk and would love to be running and playing a sport. i have been getting healthier, quitting smoking, and as a result am recently motivated and have been running sometimes, to get back into cross country and track that i did when i was younger.
2. if i see an ad for physical activity i feel guilty for sitting in front of the tv and want to do excercise, but soon forget or get too lazy.
3. my weight is a huge factor in my wanting to excercise, having illness cause me to put on 25 kilos and quit track. i would love to get back into it when i feel better, and when my treatment is goin well i generally do more excercise. also, if i feel bad about my weight or my fitness, this motivates me to excercise, for example if someone makes a comment negatively on my looks of my fitness, or if i feel generally run down and unfit.
4. if other people excercise i feel bad, as they are fitter and better looking than i am and i feel if people see me excercising i will just look fat and stupid, so it quietly motivates me to better myself but makes me feel bad.
5. i think i would be interested in like an indoor netball team or social soccer team or something, but not just a social walking group. i am not really motivated unless i take what i am doing quite seriously and need the motivation right now to improve my fitness.
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Participants Eleven
2. As I mention earlier I don’t do much exercise but walking up hill going to the campus is sufficient for me at this age. In the evening I preferred sitting outside in the garden in front of my apartment. Sometimes I meet my Bruneian friends who are also studying at QUT. Living away from home with entirely different environment and cultures sometime it make me feel lonely. But KG Urban Village is so different though I hardly know my neighbor; I feel this is the best place I ever experience for the last 4 semester living in Brisbane.
1. It does not really worry me that I don't always do the amount of exercise I need to do or that other people say I need to do. If some one is big it does not necessarily mean they are unfit.
2, Seeing ads about exercise or other things like that does not really motivate me as I do as nuch as I can cope with at a certain time. There are some times when I am more active than others and sometimes my body tells me to veg out.
3. I have been told by the doctor to watch my weight mainly because of pre diabetes and when I think carefully about what I put in my mouth and do moderate exercise I do lose weight. I mainly want to be fit to care for my husband and I was a carer for my mother before him so when I got overweight once when looking after her I lost 20kg.
4. Some people can be inspirational but in general you have to be happy with yourself and if YOU want to lose weight or be active you have to do it for yourself. I don't really look at body image as sometimes this can put people down and not give them any self confidence. Start off being happy with who you are and then you can go where you want to go.
5. I already go with the walking group but if there were activities in the park that I enjoyed doing and I had the time I would probably join in. I do see the Hub newsletter in my mailbox and things are posted up as well.
1.10 I have physical limitations. I can do moderate exercise until I reach a pain threshold which is quite low as I have pinched nerves in my neck and other disabilities.
3.10 Nothing
4.10 I don't compare myself. Seeing people exercising makes me feel sore.
5.10 Because of my medical condition I would be limited in what I could do.
1. I have a pedometer that I got from a friend of mine. You can get them from health stores or chemists - it tells you how many steps you have taken and how many kilometres you've walked. I dont reset it, I just see how much I've added on to my last count to see how much I have walked during the day. I just love walking and exercise, although I smoke, and it keeps me healthy from my perspective. I have done martial arts since I was 5, and bike riding since I was 10 - I worked in a bike shop and that is how I got into bike riding. I was 19 or 20 when I started smoking.
2. No, I already have my own fitness and do so much walking so I am happy and content with that. I can eat as much as like and I don't put on weight.
3. I am just high on life and that motivates me to move and walk. I feel like I am moving, meeting people, out and about seeing things, smelling the roses, and it beats sitting at home. I walk at the New Farm Neighbourhood Centre right across from the park, so I walk there.
4. I already have my own thoughts about what my fitness is, and I already like walking. Once I get a bike you won't see me for dust! There is a bike event from Toowoomba to Maryborough over a few days, and that is ideal for me. I might just volunteer this year, but I can do up to a 100k per day.
5. Yes I would - Tai Chi, Kung Fu - or anything like that. I got trained in Samurai. Martial arts or yoga would be great. I am flexible in that way.
1. No I am not happy with my current activity levels. I would like to work and could do light activities or tasks like cleaning. But I need to find out where I can get work.
1. I'd like to get out in the garden and get active, but I can't here. They were going to let me go down and do volunteer gardening at Northey Street in Windsor, but this hasn't eventuated yet.
2. Yeah we do listen to them and try to take notice of them, but they aren't effective in getting me to change behaviour
2. Not really no. I walk every day, so I'm happy with that.
4. I have had thyroid cancer in 1975 and my weight went up since all the treatment, and they blasted my metabolism. I am not influence by what others are doing.
4. I have had thyroid cancer in 1975 and my weight went up since all the treatment, and they blasted my metabolism. I am not influence by what others are doing.
4. No this has no effect on me.
5. I would be interested. We go into concerts in the city hall and I am interested in things like that. We went to the concert at the Con and it was very good. I would like to hear about activities through a pamphlett in the mail.
5. Gardening would be great. Pamphlet would be great because we don't have a computer.
I am currently very aware of how much exercise i do as i'm on the tony furguson diet and i am trying to lose the excess weight. I go walking, running, riding and do pilates and tae kwon do.
2. I do not listen to anything that i hear on the radio or t.v as i believe it is just some money making scheme or ploy to get people to spend money on stuff that probably dosen't work anyway. I am also aware of my bodys needs and do not need t.v to tell me what i need.
3. I exercise everyday, i do pilates at home and i have an exercise bike, a gym ball, a skipping rope and i practice my Tae kwon do at home as well as running and walking and if the pool is ever ready i will swim too. I also do weights once a week at my boyfriends.
4. Invite friends to exercise with me sometimes but others do not interest me much.
5. used to do Tae kwon do at club, but when moved here tried BTC down the road and did not like the "you are invisible" approach by staff members. Also did not enjoy the environment there and now prefer to exercise alone or in the company of friends. Group situations no longer interest me.
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