Moving into a New Urban Environment...

1. What brought you to KGUV? What persuaded you to choose this accommodation option over any other? How much choice do you feel you had in moving here?
2. How much did you know about KGUV prior to moving in? What types of expectations or images of the housing, resources, and neighbours did you have in mind before you came here?
3. What kind of lifestyle did you hope to lead once you were here? Did you have any expectations that your daily activities would be more interesting, or that you would more become more physically active once you moved in?
Please click on the COMMENTS link below and number your answers 1,2 and 3. Be as open and honest as you like, and feel free to respond to other comments that you see - whether you agree or disagree. Please write as much as you can.
1. this is a test
this is a second test
1.Because of financial restraints I has no choice about living in low cost housing .Brisbane Housing appealed to me because of location and having parks theatre and transport near by .Also the village will be a great concept when finished so shopping will be in walking distance.
I read about the village about 2 years ago so kept in touch with Brisbane Housing so I was prepared to move as soon as a unit was available and I am not sorry I moved .The only problem is all my friends and family live in suburbia so I have furthur to visit and as petrol is so expensive these days vists are not as frequent.I was concerned about living in an environment with so many different ages and so many units but because of good management, problems that have arrived have been dealt with in a polite and professial way.
2.I was interested in the urban village for a few years so kept an eye out for advertising on the site.The housing commission was very hard to access accomadation so the only alternative was look elsewhere and Brisbane Housing contacted me and offered me a one bedroom unit so I thought go for it I can always leave if it does not work out !!!Also young people keep you young and I have met some really interesting people here and have had a great social experience as well .
3.When I inspected my unit I was very impressed because of the gardens and the decor of the building so did not hesitate in signing a lease .Rent is a bit higher than i anticipated but the concept of the whole enviroment appealed to me .I have always been into exercise and find the walks here very peaceful and as the building progressed very interesting to see.
The Q.U.T provides fitness tests for all ages and I have already had one meeting at the Human Recources and found the students very helpful in their field.
My lifestyle has not changed a great deal as I have had lots of interests in linedancing ,tennis and swimming so continued those interests since I came to live in the Village .
I had temporary accomodation and needed a permananent alternatve. I was listed with the Housing Commission and after 18 months waiting was given an opportnuity through BHC to join KGUV. KGUV is close to transport and is an attractive place to live. While my choices for accommodation were somelimited, the KGUV met all my requirements.
2 Until BHC approached me, I had heard nothing of KGUV. Given the information BHC provided, I expected people living there to be of various ages and backgrounds. I expected the village would have many amentities and that I would be able to be involvled in activities through the QUT.
3. I hoped there would be many people to get to know, which has eventuated. I had hoped the gym would be useful although in reality it is not sutiable. I have increased the amount of walking I do on a regular basis, largely as a result of the assistance I obtained from the QUT podiatry clinic.
1. I felt I had full control over my accomodation choices and chose Brisbane housing because it suited me best. Financially, I am better off living in low cost housing and am more than satified with the accomodation. I don't possess a car so needed to be close to transport. My daughter attends the local school which is only a short walk away. I thoroughly enjoy living in this environment.
2. I discovered information about KGUV through the website when looking for suitable accomodation close to the University and was very interested in the concept presented. I was impressed by the concept of mixed housing and the close association with the Uni. I am usually extremely busy studying, being a single parent and working part-time to truly get to know the other residents but I feel very comfortable and secure with my neighbours.
3. It has been necessary for me to become more physically active because of the lack of private transport. I thoroughly enjoy walking so this has become an added bonus more than intentional. When the complex opens that houses the indoor pool, myself and my daughter plan to be using the facilities regularly.
1. I was at my lowest stage stress wise having my husband slowly recovering from heart surgery, strokes, hip & prostate surgery. Also I myself had angina, other health problems & then had fallen whilst Ted in rehab, shattered right upper arm & taken shoulder blade out & unable have surgery then fallen broken left hip December 2005. Private rentals had become too costly as well as we had relocated from Melbourne 1998 due to my really serious ill-health. We had to move from our unit after Ted!s heart etc problems with his inability to use stairs, the next unit was too costly, I had to purchase all white goods, furniture really everything and with no help as no family here. We had a granny flat and again had to move when house occupants were moving.Stress wise I was at a low stage having Ted in & out of hospital & had to move quickly.Again our owner died,, we had our names with Qld Housing & needed better affordable housing and help.
2. Brisbane Housing had asked us if diversity of culture would be a problem.. we had no worries, looking forward to learning new cultures maybe helping anyone with problems. Ted is unable to walk and the unit is designed totally wheel-chair friendly, no carpets, no steps. The Village was designed with great foresight, we had no idea that all the medical services and all health services would be so readily available.
3. We had hoped our lifestyle, once we were settled and stresses lifted gradually, that we would be able to perhaps enjoy outings to e.g. Southbank, Museum, Roma Street Gardens as we now were living within easy access of these wonderful facilities.Also we hoped we could take walks, of course I would be wheeling Ted and in this regard hoped level paths would be available, perhaps a walk to university coffee shop and knew when the new shopping complex was ready in some months time, we would have much easier access as it would be within walking distance. We looked forward to use of facilites at new community centre to be built. Yes we definitely looked forward to a less sressful and healthier lifestyle.
1. We moved into KGUV because of time and money restraints, the unit we had lined up was lost because of a Real Estate error, so we had to find new accomidation quickly.
2. We knew where the KGUV would be and we knew what it looked like due to the presentation given to use by the Brisbane Housing staff, apart from that we didn't have many expectations due to us having to move so quickly.
3. I expected to have the same amount of physical activity before moving in. And expected my lifestyle would change little.
I was waiting on the housing commissison list and they said I would have to wait for seven years then I went looking in the private market but they said my income was too small. I couldn't find a place to stay. So I got here because I was listed as emergency housing and the BHC units came up.
I was just happy to have a place to live and had no expectations. I really was just glad to have a place to live.
I didn't imagine my life would change much.. I was curious about what the new housing would be like, but had no expectations of what it would offer. I had no job when I came here, and I was welcomed greatly by my neighbours and thought that was a great sign.
1. I had no other choice but to take the one that they offered me. I was living with my daughter for two and a half years and I wanted to have freedom of my own in my own place and a friend introduced me to this housing option, and when I saw the unit I wanted it. Then I went to the QlD Housing Commission to apply for a bond and it was approved. And I really love the place.
2. I was expecting that is really good for me and even if I have to pay the price I wanted the freedom with having my own place and all the things I can do by myself. I expected to have lovely neighbours who could help me, especially the Australian people who are really accommodating and helpful in any undertaking that I have encountered.
3. I was so excited and happy to have the area that I got. It is so convenient for me to go to the city and do sight seeing and see places I haven't seen before. I wanted to improve myself and my knowledge and how I can solve my own problems. I was going to be transfered to near my work, so I was happy and my friends were happy for me. And I get to walk to work and that makes me healthy and I enjoy walking to the school. Walking is my life. I dont care if I dont if I dont have a car, I just love to walk anywhere. I am still healthy so I don't need a car. And here I can work to work, the city. I walk to the school to clean and I start walking at 4 o clock in the morning, then we have a conversation before we start cleaning! I have been in Australia 22 years.
1. I did not have alot of accomodation choices available, having a real estate error leave me one week away from not having a home. Taking a chance on a referral i had received form the Department of Housing, i called Brisbane Housing Company to discuss my options. They had two units available to us and we chose to rent with Brisbane Housing company due to an inability to get another rental and financial restraints. We chose KGUV over the other rental in Red Hill because of the plan for the area, e.g. the shopping centre, proximity to university, parks etc. I feel, although we had limited time and resources, we had a choice in moving to KGUV and we made our decision based on the unit being new and the features of the urban village.
2. I didnt know a great deal about the urban village before moving in, and only really know now what i am observing happening around me. We were told about our unit and the area by the Housing Company, and were told it was an exciting new development, close to the city and uni's, with shops to be built and a number of other facilities. It sounded great to us as young people and when we checked out the unit we found the accomodation exceeded our expectations. It was alot nicer and more modern than we thought it would be. It has been a bit annoying to be here with the construction still continuing- it has made my allergies really bad and the noise is awful, especially of the pie van. These were things we had not anticipated, as well as never having lived in public housing before we had no idea what to expect of our neighbours. the first few weeks were difficult in this respect, but the real estate dealt with issues swiftly and efficiently. I also thought the facilities would be finished earlier and available to us earlier, and this has been a bit dissapointing.
3. I thought once i moved in that my daily activities would be more active, though i have been very ill, and that i would start feeling better, and be more active in social activities as well as physically. i was being quite optimistic about this, but felt the area may bring out the best in me. I also thought things would be much more interesting, being close to a uni and a central 'hub' of activity.
Participants Eleven
4. Honestly, speaking I don’t expected much. But its location closed to KG campus, really motivate me to choose KGUV.
1. this is a test
1. 10 .We unfortunately have to live on disability pension as I have a deteriorating bone/joint condition and at least four different types of arthritis. Hence low cost housing is a necessity for us. This accommodation is very suitable and in fact lets me get out more especially via public transport
1. We have had our name down on Queensland Housing since June 2003. A couple of years ago Brisbane Housing Company contacted us to enroll for affordable housing within Brisbane. We did this and a couple of times we were offered housing but it was only bedsit or one bedroom and because of my husbands medical condition we were eligable for a 2 bed room unit. We were offered this in September 2006.
2. We picked up a Brisbane Magazine and there was a page of information on KGUV and the opening in October 2006. We were interested in going along and while reading the information saw the it had public housing as well. I commented to my husband wouldn't it be funny if we were offered something there. The fact that the village was sustainable appealed as well. Being new we thought that any neighbours we had would appreciate that as well. We ourselves had a complete interview and we expected everyone else to as well but since moving in we see that not all tenants are responsible and some have had to be removed and others are in the process.
2. 10. I did not expect a whole lot as I have seen a number of low cost housing schemes in 3 different countries and they have all been of fairly low standard.
We did entertain some hope of at least some greater quality accommodation as we had read a favourable write up about Brisbane Housing here at Kelvin Grove Urban Housing Project.
3.I do like to be active but I do have some injuries from my youth that play up as I get older. However, the Hub has community meetings and we have formed a walking group which I enjoy very much and one of the walks we have done I did on my own again. The access pathways are great and if I push my husband in the wheelchair he enjoys the area as well. Sometimes when h e is up to it he walks a little himself.
3. 10. I never had any problems with making new friends so this was not a issue with me. And it has worked our well as we socially seem to fit in and are getting to know others quite easily and am able to participate in some of the social events being organized. I were a little worried as most of my life I have lived on the country but it worked out fine as we overlook a park now.
1. Honestly, speaking I don’t expected much. But its location closed to KG campus, really motivate me to choose KGUV.
1. I went through Heart 4000 - an emergency housing place - I had only been out of jail for three months and then this house came up. On the 23rd of November 2006 I got my forms approved and moved in on the 24th.
2. I just basically expected a place. I was actually overwhelmed because the place was brand new and I was the first person to live there.
3. Not really, no. I am what I am and that has never changed. I know what my lifestyle is, and I know my boundaries. Every good man should know his boundaries and limitations.
1. Not much really. Our lease was up at the unit on the North Coast, and for health reasons for my husband, we wanted to come to Brisbane near the hospital.
1. I came here to be near Prince Charles, and for an operation at Royal Brisbane in urology. I have had three mild heart attacks and I am a diabetic, and they were silent heart attacks so I didnt know I had had them. Just some pain and we found out at Nambour General Hospital. So it's easier to be the hospitals.
2. We knew nothing about this, and we weren't introduced to any neighbours. They took us through and showed us the single room units, but that is no good to say. So now were in an adaptable unit. We were paying 240 per week and they were going to raise the rent so were were pretty desperate to get a place.
2. We dont need a car here as we're near the busway and its a wonderful service. But we didnt know about all of this before we came. We didnt really know what was going to be available.
3. I miss my garden and I have some pot plants, but I had to leave alot behind, so that is something I can't do anymore. I would love to work, but am not sure what I could do. I get so bored. I have always been a very active person. I am not as active as I should be, though.
3. It's been harder coz I have come out of doing shift work all my life, so I get up very early out of habit and do word puzzles. I miss gardening here. I do walk around here - and I can do the walks here. There is a garden here but we aren't allowed to touch it for legal reasons.
study participant seven
I have been here for 16 months now at the village and enjoy the lifestyle .I have made some really lovely friends and we get together to play cards and have dinners together .We also participate with the Q.U.T reserchers and find the information very interesting and educational .There is always a mixture of entertainment at the Block ,the theatre and meetings at the Hub so we are all very involved with different people so find our life very interesting. I still enjoy outside interests with family and friends but usually invite people over for lunch or dinner so they can experience the life here .
1. Moved to kelvin grove because i was looking for a place away from my parents, my mums cooking sucked and my dads snoring and bad mood was kind of annoying. My own space was so i can do as i please without having to answer to anyone but myself. I am one of eleven children and sharing a room with 4 sisters and decieded that at the age of 25 i needed my own bedroom.
2. Hoping that there were lots of shops, the possibility of part time work and a place to meet friends. Was also hoping for parks to picnic in and lots of friendly people to make friends with. Was excited but nervous about moving to a place i had never been to before. was hoping for it to be a place that was clean, friendly and fun to live in.
3. Look forward to cooking really tasty food, mixing with people, doing angel card readings, reiki and other new age stuff for other people in the area. was looking for part time work to bring in the dollars until i can start my own business. Losing weight? who dosen't want to? walking, running or tae kwon do for fitness.
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