Depth of Engagement with Neighbourhood Resources for Physical Activity

For this post, I am interested in finding out the degree to which you are aware of what is available in your neighbourhood, and which resources you are most interested in using or accessing for physical activity.
Q1. Are you aware of the public transport options available to you from the Village, and do you use them? If so, which ones to you use and why?
Q2. Do you ever use the parks or BBQ areas to socialise, rest, play sport, care for children, exercise or any other reason? If so, how often? What is your opinion of the local KGUV parks and green spaces? How could they be improved to make you use them more?
Q3. Do you use any of the pathways or bikeways? If so, what do you use them for, and do you find that they help you to walk or exercise more than you could where you were living previously?
Q.4 Are you aware of any other health-related resources that are near to the Village or that will be available to you soon, eg health clinic, GP, gymnasium, pool etc. Do you think you are likely to use these kinds of resources? WHy/why not?
Q5. Overall, would you say that KGUV is a place that promotes or allows physical activity for residents? If so, in what ways does it achiev this or not achieve this?
1. Yes. I use the northern busway, pensioner's taxi and buses on Kelvin Grove Road.
2. I use the BBQ facilties in the BHC complex. I have taken my granddaughter for walks in the parks. More shade is needed, especially near the BBQ areas.
3. I use the pathways for walking. They are better than the walkways I previously had access to, which was a hilly area.
4. Looking forward to the medical centre starting up. Yes I will use some or all them becuase they are nearby.
5. Hard to tell just yet but I hope so.
1.Yes public transport is very convenient here being close to Kelvin Grove Road .I go to the city quite often now as I have joined the city library and find shopping very easy .Also walking to the bus stop easy as it is all on one level (no hills)South bank and the lyric theatre are only 15 mins away for all the activities one enjoys and buses are available every 10 mins.
2.I have used the parks to play with my Grandson and enjoy the walks on the pathways as it is very safe and secure .The B.B.Q. in the Ramsgate complex is often used as it is very convenient and a nice way to engage in a meal and conversation with the other residents. I usually show visitors around the parks and often relax as the seating is excellent around the pathways and parks .maybe more shade in the B.B.Q in the parks during summer
3.My thoughts on Physical activity is in a group maybe walking for pleasure and ball room dancing or line dancing (anything that gets the body moving) !!!!Swimming is great 1n Summer and aqua aerobics is fun in a group .A walking club in the shopping centre when finished would be a great way to meet people and also be great for the heart rate.
4.Sorry Julie I messed these questions up so hope you can follow !!!!
yes Human resources is a good place to go for exercise in the gym if needed .I would be interested in using all the facilities .I have my own doctor but would use a medical centre if close by .
5.I think in time KGUV will promote physical activity as it is a new concept in living so I am looking forward to new ideas and maybe a swimming pool in the future for the residents as the walking paths are great and the parks are well estabished for all sorts of fun and games.
We realise there is a great bus service within easy reach however as Ted is totally wheelchair dependent we are limited to maxi-cab transport. This is not as satisfactory as we could hope, as the maxi cabs are short we believe in supply and we have had more than hours waitin unpleasant weather at times.
2. We believe these are great, however with Ted in wheelchair we are limited in our use. The paths are not so easy to push the w.chair. We do have good neighbours to help at times, I have a frozen shoulder, and do not at the same time wish to impose. The Ramsgate Residences do have a wonderful barbecue set-up which we use with our neighbours and family.
3. Yes we use the pathways again with help of neighbours to push my special husband in wheelchair, going to QUT!s coffee shop where they provide excellent morn.,afternoon teas and lunches. Again it is much better accessed for us than previously in that we could not get Ted out in wheelchair at all to walk and QUT coffee shop provides me with gluten free foods as I am coeliac and they are so anxious to please. This we could not do at either of our 3 previous addresses.
We are aware that a medical practice is to open in the new shopping complex which would be a bonus being on our doorstep. Also a swimming pool may be a help for Ted together with help which may be available through our Allied Health services which have been wonderful for us in assisting with physio for each of us and may extend to help for Ted who would need their assistance. A community centre with its facilites e.g. card games, exercise programmes such as tai chi perhaps, just mingling socially perhaps. We would use these and it would greatly benefit Ted in that he does not have these social outings presently. A library would benefit us also, both of us are great lovers of books.
We hope with facilites offering to us such as community centre!s facilities, swimming pool, walking paths,
QUT!s coffee shop and maybe library with its computer access and maybe any learning programmes such as writing we all will grow and at the same time learn and also help others. We feel privileged to have all these wonderful people ready and so kindly willing to help us to live a more gracious and healthy lifestyle. We are most grateful for this.
1. Yes, I use the buses and taxi's. I prefer them to buying a car and the costs associated with running it.
2. Yes, more often recently, as I have tried to increase my physical actvity outside the house. I find the green areas outside the KGUV complex to be good but small. I would prefer them to be bigger, since there are many roads and hills in this area and it's hard to find a place for a quiet walk or ride.
3. Yes, I use them for walking and riding, and no, I find them to be simply a requirement of a small urban area and not specifically built as a walkway for excercising or riding.
4. No, and yes, for relaxation and enjoyment.
5. It's hard to say at this point, since I don't believe that KGUV has been fully finished but I imagine it would promote more physical activity.
1. Yes and I think it is a very good connection here actually... the buses are great, I use the ones on Kelvin Grove to go shopping. But sometimes I walk to the shops. I go to the City for something to do. I catch the bus there to look around.
I use the BBQ area to socialise with my neighbours. I love the Victoria park, if you walk there at night is it wonderful sightseeing, you can see the beautiful city. It is nice to look at, if you don't get disturbed by a golf ball!
It is a bit too hilly,but i can cope with it, it is no problem. The surrounding areas are very nice to look at and you can meet the students and talk to them. The international students have come to visit us.
I am not sure if they are still building the health building... so I am doubtful at this stage about the health resources available.I would use a gym if it was made available. I couldn't swim after my accident.... no muscles.
5. It will be good for physical activity especially walking and jogging and going sight-seeing is good exercise. And going to the shops.
1. I do not have a car so rely heavily upon public transport. I use the bus services, usually the Northern Busway, and mostly the shuttle bus services between the Uni campuses.
2. I rarely use the parks or BBQ areas because I tend not to have the time. The green spaces in KGUV seem to be adequate but am worried they will not accomodate the influx of people once the construction of all the units are completed. It is unlikely that I will be using them until I can access more time to do so.
3. I use the paths and bikeways to get from A to B and find them very useful. Lighting along the bikeways could be improved though. Again I tend to walk more because I do not possess a car.
4. My daughter and I will be using the pool on a daily basis, if possible, depending on time available. To have a health clinic close will be an extra benefit.
5. The lack of car spaces and parking tends to force people into choosing alternatives to private transport which I see can have it's benefits except for those who depend upon private transport to access either their work or family. KGUV appears to promote a healthier lifestyle through its advertising promotions.
1. I was very much aware of the public transport because I always choose accommodation that has good public transport, this is a priority for me. I use the buses because they go to the city all the time. I always walk to the bustop.
2. I do not use the BBQ areas yet because I cannot do that because I am alone. I like the parks surrounding the area because they are so gorgeous and I feel comfortable and satisfied with the air. I just walk around and sit down and with the other people resting there. I want to have more people coming over and being here because of the beauty. One of my friends said the place is beautiful because of all the green spaces, and it is pleasing to visitors. I hope there will be no more buildings infront of us, because we cannot see the green beauty of the gardens around us then. It does need more flower though, I wanted to donate some flowers to make it prettier with additional lovely flowers.
3. Although I dont have my bike, I do use them for walking. It is convenient and very suitable. Absolutely I walk more here, I didnt have parks or pathways where I was before, which was a new suburb. I walk more here, because that has been my life - walking.
4. I would use the medical centre. I dont swim, but I like to go and watch others swimming. I want to see others involved in recreation. I feel very happy and good just looking at others using these kinds of things. I would go and watch a swimming contest or something like that.
5. This is a good example for all people who are fond of physical activity, and this is the right place for them to do it. You will live longer because a good environment and a clean one makes you live longer! Anywhere you go the environment and the behaviour of the people living there - if they have self-discipline - then this is healthier. They need to have good morals. If people are making trouble and people are making you stressed then this makes your health unfit for your physical body. Otherwise there will be no happiness and harmony among the people living here. I have only had one problem with people throwing water and rubbish out of their apartments and we have complained. This is not healthy. Otherwise it has been pretty good.
1. I am aware of the northern busway as well as buses going down kelvin grove road, along with the student bus that goes direct to the city QUT. i use the buses from the busway and kelvin grove road as i dont have a car and rely solely on public transport. i find it efficient means of travel and catch the 390 or 345 mostly, and connect to where i need to go from the city if that is not my destination. i find they come frequently enough, and are usually very efficient.
2. I use the parks to play around and do some physical activity, but not to really socialise. Usually the parks are just to pass through on the way to the bus. I feel i would use them more when the contruction is finished, as i will be feeling safer in the area then.
3. I use the pathways to get to the red hill shops and find i am walking more than previously, although i used to have a car but dont anymore. I have also been motivated to go for a run in the area, which i havent done for years due to illness, and have found the pathways useful for this as they are broad.
4. i am hoping there will be a GP, gym and chemist, and plan on using them. i am hoping to use the gym if i have enough money, which is a new thing for me as i am not into excercise, but the convenience would be great and motivating. i may or may not use the gp as i have a great gp at red hill already, but would consider it due to convenience.
5. i think KGUV does promote health and wellbeing. the parks are encouraging to have a fun activity, while the pathways are great for a run and if there is a gym, more serious fitness activities. i think it will also promote social activities and be a very active area.
Participants eleven
The location of KGUV, facilities offered surround it really well for the residents.
Participants Eleven
3. I regularly, used the QUT shuttle bus not because of it free fare but this the only bus that know where it drop me when I go to the city and pick me up back to the KG UV. To this day I do feel KGUV is the better place for student from abroad. Apart from it distance to KG campus but also the facilities it offer.
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1. 10. Yes we use the northern bus way mainly as it is shorter by one stage to CBD. My wife pushes me in the wheelchair as the length of walk is sometimes more than i can cope with.
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2. 10. We generally do small walks as this is all I am up to these day. Whenever we have visitors we walk the around the parks in the area. At these times I usually use the wheelchair. In future we will use the BBQ facilities.
3.10. The pathways are good quality and especially as one gets out of the area does one notice how much better they are than the general walkways around. I find the inserts very interesting and they are among the features we point out to visitors.
4. 10. I am aware of those facilities but I probably will not use them very much as my health problem will not allow it. However my wife is very much looking forward to the pool in particular. The medical centre will be of great interest to me.
5.10. I think this is a fine concept it is fine in its promotion of walking and cycling I really hope others will use it . If my health allowed I certainly would be greatly benefited.
1. Yes, we knew we could use buses in the village. We picked up timetable but it took us a while to work them out and where to get back on in the City. I push my husband in the wheelchair through QUT to the busway and we catch the bus into the City to go to the Public Library. We have also caught the bus from Kelvin Grove Road. When we lived in Strathpine we used to catch the train into the City and use the ticket for bus or ferry and we do the same now.
2. On one of our walks we visited all the parks in the area and I saw that Grey Guns park would be ideal when small children of my friends and family come to visit as we can take them for a walk up there and let them kick a ball around and we can sit and talk. I will be going to the movie in Kulgun Park and I have sat there with friends who have visited us and I have shown them around.
3. Yes, as I said before we use them to walk and to get to the bus stops. Where we were renting before it was newish and there were good pathways we used to use; the only thing here is that there are more pleasant pathways which encourage you to use them more.
4. Our neighbours go to the doctor in QUT but as they are sometimes not there and my husband needs to see the doctor every month we decided to go elsewhere. We do use the Chemist. I am also very much looking forward to the swimming pool being completed in the commercial retail building next year. In the meantime I have a lady I know going to the Centenary pools and because I know the walking track there now I am gong to walk and meet her there thisw Friday for a start and see how I go and maybe do that weekly.
5. I think the village is trying hard to promote the use of the pathways, parks etc. Information is given out and we do have a community meeting once a month. One suggestion at the meeting was to use the park for a market once a month. I'm sure more input will be given as time goes on.
1. Yes I do. Buses and trains. It all depends where I am going to.
2. No not a great deal. It is great, its nice to have nice parks, it is wonderful in that way. It's a good thing for the community to get together and communicate in that way.
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4. Theres a Red Cross getting built, a pool is coming soon too. I know about the doctors and the chemist. I will definitely use the gym and the pool. I know there is a gym up at QUT. I 'm looking forward to things getting developed alot more so I can use the facilities.
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3. I love the pathways because I cycle, I do Tour de France type of cycling. I do Flatland cycling too where they do tricks etc. I only have that kind bike at the moment. A car hit me on my bike years ago in 1994.
5. I do, derinitely. Like with the parks, a couple of the hills give great exercise. It's good in the walking sense, even walking to the buses and there are so many bus services here - you can get to the Bulimba ferry, Valley, city - so it's easy to walk to those things.
1. I use the buses all the time, three four times a week.
1. I use the buses to go to my RSL meetings down at Gaythorne.
2. No we never use them. We have no BBQ at Kundu Park. We have tables there, but no swings for the children. But we don't use the parks. If they had something at Kundu Park I woudl take my grand-daughter down.
2. The green spaces are important - we overlook the city in our apartment and we overlook Kundu Park and that is great. They reckon the view from the fourth floor is beautiful, but that is full of homeless people - and this is a problem. People out of jail are in there. We're on teh ground floor wiht good neighbours - so that is good, but some of the neighbours are terrible. We have nowhere to hang our washing here - I have to dry my sheets in the shower, and I need a clothes hoist.
3. I use the bikeways and pathways. Some parts are too rocky and to thin, but the rest are fine, and I go on the community walks - we go along Herston Road - there are three walks and we have done two of them.
3. I will walk around the shopping centre and to the bus and around town. I spend alot of time with my grandchildren and children.
4. We go to the QUT optometry and the health clinic, the doctors up there.
4. We are waiting for the pool and I reckon I will get alot of use from that. We can walk around to Centenary Pool, but when the one is in here that will better.
5. Could be better. The walking club there was nine of us at first, then seven and last week only two, so what we are going to do is kick off at 4pm and do an hours walking. That is my neighbour and I. The walks start too late otherwise because when it gets dark the pathways are narrow and a bit dangerous. And there have been rapes on the news.
5. Not really. I think things have to be cleaned up and changed in Hartop Lane because of retired people who want to live a peaceful life and this is difficult because there is no communication with the manager at Rental Express. This is all about people in the unit and no-hopers.
1. New about buses and busway and where they go because a friend lives and works close by and told and showed me where to find all the public transport that i needed.
2. New about the parks as i use these for exercise or just sitting in the sun on a cool day. Have not used the BBQ's as i do not know how often they are clean if at all and needs more seats as it will only accomodate a small group.
3. The Paths and bike way are good for going running or riding. have only used these a few times but it seems fairly good. The paths are clean and tidy and luckily are not in need of repair like others i have used before moving here. It is also good as it means there is no excuse for walking on the road.
4. Not currently aware of any GP's in the immediate area, need to travel to newmarket for this and when not well, catching the bus sucks. Looking forward to getting one soon.
5. fairly friendly in that there are walkways, bikeways and parks for physical activity, i have used these already.
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